Children's Choirs
All children in Kindergarten through Fifth Grade are encouraged to participate in our Camp Wednesday program – every Wednesday 5:00-6:30 p.m. throughout the school year! We have dinner, play games, make music, do crafts – and most of all, have fun! Our Camp Wednesday groups sing in church about once a month and prepare a Christmas Eve Pageant and Spring Musical every year. Email Callie Baylor or follow link below for more info!
Youth Choir
Students in 6th through 12th grades are encouraged to join our dynamic and growing Youth Choir! 45-minute rehearsals are fun and uplifting, as the youth prepare to lead worship with their voices and instruments. Singers of all levels of experience (even with no choral background at school) are invited to participate as are all instrumentalists. There is something for everyone in our youth music program! Email Director of Music Ministries, Dr. Jon C. Peterson, or follow link below for more info.