Candlelight Services in our Sanctuary (47 Aurora Street) at 3, 5 & 11 p.m.
In person seating available in Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall (with a livestream feed and spacious seating).
Watch online at hudsonucc.org, YouTube and Facebook.
3 p.m. Carols, Candlelight and Children’s Pageant—Marvelous Light
Join us for a pageant written just for FCCH by Director of Music Dr. Jon C. Peterson and Associate Director of Music Chelsea Selvaggio!
Infant/toddler care available.
5 p.m. Carols & Candlelight
A traditional service of hearing the Christmas story and singing carols.
Chancel Choir and strings.
Infant/toddler care available.
11 p.m. Carols, Candlelight & Holy Communion
Greet Christmas Day with Holy Communion and a service of carols and the Christmas story, concluding at midnight.
Candlelight Choir and strings.

Christmas Eve Outdoor Service at 7 p.m. at Hudson Gazebo Green
Please join us for an outdoor service of the Christmas story and carols, including the singing of “Silent Night” by candlelight, at the Hudson gazebo (27 E. Main Street, Hudson).
Please dress for the weather and bring a chair if you wish.
In the case of heavy rain or extreme cold, the service will be moved indoors to the church sanctuary at 47 Aurora Street.