Planning a Visit

We Look Forward to Meeting You!

We look forward to your visit! You can expect to find a warm, friendly environment with welcoming hosts and a place for everyone in your family. Our greeters can help direct you to the Sanctuary, Sunday School area and bathrooms. Please stop by our Welcome Center to complete a short welcome form and receive a Welcome Bag and complimentary gift. After worship we invite you to enjoy a cup of coffee and a snack in Fellowship Hall.


Answers to some Frequently Asked Questions about Sundays @ FCCH are provided below.

What happens during worship?

Our three Sunday services each offer a slightly different feel. Bulletins for each service include the order of service, prayers & responsive readings, anthems, hymns, and scripture readings.  

8:30 a.m. | Traditional in-person service featuring special music and weekly Communion.  Approximately 45 minutes long. More intimate and quiet. 

10:00 a.m. | Traditional in-person and livestreamed service featuring our full choir. Communion offered on the first Sunday of each month. Approximately 55 minutes long. Typically more crowded than other services. 

11:25 a.m. | Shorter, more casual in-person and livestreamed service featuring eclectic music provided by our 11:25 a.m. band and special guest musicians. Approximately 35 minutes long. Communion offered on the first Sunday of each month. 

Where do I park, enter the church and sit?

Parking is available in the marked spaces along Aurora Street in front of the church or in the parking lot behind the church.

The driveway to our parking lot is on Aurora Street. Look for the driveway next to the red brick church.  

You can enter the church through our historic front door, on Aurora Street, or our back doors, accessible from the parking lot.  The upper door leads to our Sanctuary; the lower door leads to the elevator and Sunday School area. 

You are free to sit anywhere in the Sanctuary! Our ushers are happy to help you find a seat.

Is the church wheelchair accessible?

Yes. Those using wheelchairs or anyone needing extra assistance should enter the church through our automatic-entry lower parking lot doors at the back of the church. These doors lead to an elevator with braille markings which accesses all levels of the church. 

There is a drop-off area and parking area near these doors. 

Our greeters are happy to provide additional assistance if needed and our ushers are happy to help you find a comfortable seat in the Sanctuary.  

Where do children, youth and infants go?

Your children are welcome to remain with you for the whole worship service if that is most comfortable for you and your family. At the 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. services we offer Sunday School, Breakfast Club and Crib Care.

Sunday School is for children in pre-K through 5th grade. Children attend the first part of the service and leave for Sunday School after the Children’s Message.

Breakfast Club is our Sunday School program for youth in 6th through 12th grades and is held in our Youth Room on the third floor. Youth go directly to Breakfast Club every Sunday. 

Crib care is available for infants through two-years-old. Our crib care providers are finger-printed and background-checked employees of the church. 

Our greeters are happy to provide you with info about where children & youth go!

What do I wear?

We want you to feel at ease when you visit. 

Generally, attire at our 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. services is business casual. 

Our 11:25 a.m. service is shorter and also more casual, ranging from business casual to shorts and t-shirts, sports uniforms and workout clothes.